10 खराब को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं - 10 kharaab ko inglish mein kya kahate hain



उदाहरण : संख्या :: १ के बाद ११ शून्य :: 100,000,000,000 :: one hundred billion

खरब = CHAFFY(Adjective)

Usage : More tillers, bigger panicle size, less chaffyness, bold grain, good lusture and more weight were observed.


खरबूजा = MUSKMELON(Noun)

उदाहरण : honeydew melon स्वादिष्ट होता है.
Usage : Do you like muskmelon or watermelon?

खरबूजा = HONEYDEW(noun)

उदाहरण : छुरी खरबूज़े पर गिरे या खरबूज़ा छुरी पर कट्ना तो हर हाल में खरबूज़े को ही है|
Usage : The manna mentioned in the Bible, is the dried and solidified honeydew secreted by the bug Trabutina, living on the tamarisk tree.


ख़राब = DISGUSTING(Verb)

उदाहरण : डिबग (खराबी दूर करें)
Usage : - Get out, you disgusting sow. - Kongstrup has to pay his due. Kongstrup!

ख़राब = BAD(Adjective)

उदाहरण : Foreigners pronunciation of Hindi is mostly bad.
विदेशियों का हिंदी उच्चारण अधिकतर बुरा होता है.
Cricketers cant play if the light is bad.
यदि बत्ती खराब हो तो क्रिकेटर्स नहीं खेल सकतेहैं.

Usage : take the bad with the good

ख़राब = AWFUL(Adjective)

Usage : And the mountains will move away with an awful movement.

ख़राब = DEFECTIVE(Adjective)

Usage : The piece was found to be defective.

ख़राब = FAULTY(Adjective)

Usage : He submitted a faulty report.

ख़राब = DOWN(Adjective)

Usage : you have four downs to gain ten yards

ख़राब = DISMAL(Adjective)

Usage : Captain Virat Kohli posted an emotional message on social media after India's dismal defeat in the ongoing test series against England.

ख़राब = GHASTLY(Adjective)

Usage : Former Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi backed Pakistan Prime Minister’s statement regarding the ghastly Pulwama incident.

ख़राब = HELL(Noun)

Usage : the hell of battle

ख़राब = HORRIBLE(Adjective)

Usage : He said, 'As for the evildoer, him we shall chastise, then he shall be returned to his Lord and He shall chastise him with a horrible chastisement.

ख़राब = TERRIBLE(Adjective)

Usage : He saw a terrible accident.

ख़राब = OUT OF ORDER(Noun)

Usage : Lost packets:%. 1f%% Late packets:%. 1f%% Out of order packets:%. 1f%% Jitter buffer:% d ms% s% s% s

ख़राब = CRUEL(Adjective)

Usage : Hitler was a cruel man

ख़राब = ROTTEN(Adjective)

Usage : We should avoid eating rotten food.

ख़राब = DEAD(Noun)

Usage : they buried the dead

ख़राब = SORRY(Adjective)

Usage : I am sorry that I could not pick you up.

ख़राब = DIRTY(Verb)

Usage : dont soil your clothes when you play outside!

ख़राब = HAYWIRE(Noun)

Usage : The borrower would have his commitments to its creditors, suppliers etc. and if these are not met his projections can go haywire.

ख़राब = LEMON(Noun)

उदाहरण : वह एक खराब साड़ी पहने हुए थी|
Usage : A lemon is a very sour yellow fruit.

ख़राब = DRY(Noun)

Usage : R66: Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking

ख़राब = DREADFUL(Adjective)

Usage : The sound of the bomb was extremely dreadful
The thought of accident itself was dreadful

ख़राब = NASTY(Adjective)

Usage : in a nasty mood

ख़राब = ACCURSED(Verb)

Usage : The accursed neighbours of ours are sometimes kind to my mother.

ख़राब = EVIL(Noun)

Usage : the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones

ख़राब = WRETCHED(Adjective)

Usage : He felt wretched the whole day.

ख़राब = BUST(Noun)

Usage : they went on a bust that lasted three days

ख़राब = POISONOUS(Adjective)

Usage : Usually snakes are poisonous.

ख़राब = GRIM(Adjective)

उदाहरण : असम में बाढ़ की स्थिति अभी भी ख़राब बनी हुई है।
Usage : The future seems to be grim.

ख़राब = DOWDY(Adjective)

Usage : He lay face down
The thief was hidden in the down staircase
The shades were down

ख़राब = ABNORMAL(Adjective)

Usage : The weather conditions are abnormal.

ख़राब = POOR(Noun)

Usage : This soil is poor in nutrients.

ख़राब = SHOCKING(Verb)

Usage : She went to see the shocking sight after the disastrous flood.

ख़राब = ILL(Noun)

Usage : She fell ill suddenly.

ख़राब = HARD(Adjective)

Usage : the team played hard

ख़राब = WRONG(Verb)

Usage : he feels that you are in the wrong

ख़राब = WEAK(Adjective)

Usage : a weak pillar

ख़राब = OUT OF ACTION(Noun)

Usage : If it 's Dileep, tell him the code and put me out of action.

ख़राब = SPOIL(Verb)

Usage : to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy

1 खराब को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं?

If you say that something is amiss, you mean there is something wrong.

बहुत खराब को इंग्लिश में क्या कहेंगे?

Abysmal means very bad or poor in quality.

खराब को हिंदी में इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं?

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