विलक्षण शब्द का क्या अर्थ है - vilakshan shabd ka kya arth hai

विलक्षण - मतलब हिंदी में

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What is Hindi definition or meaning of विलक्षण ? (Vilakshan ka hindi arth, matlab kya hai?).

This page is about English Meaning of विलक्षण to answer the question, "What is the Meaning of विलक्षण in English, (विलक्षण ka Matlab kya hota hai English me)?". जाने विलक्षण का मतलब क्या होता है हिंदी में इस पृष्ठ पर, विलक्षण kise kahte hai, विलक्षण kya hai, विलक्षण kya hota hai, विलक्षण नाम मीनिंग, विलक्षण Naam ka Matlab, विलक्षण Nam Arth, विलक्षण Name Meaning, Kyo, kya, kab, kaise, kaun, kha, kaha, naam mean words word shabd arth, kitna, kidhar, kisne, kisase, kisliye

Vilakshan जानें विलक्षण Vilakshan Meaning in English Hindi , what is meaning of vilakshan ka Matlab kya hai क्या है kise kahte hai किसे कहते हैं विलक्षण की परिभाषा और उदाहरण Vilakshan kya hai VILAKSHAN kya hota hai VILAKSHAN matlab kya hota hai VILAKSHAN ka arth अर्थ विलक्षण Meaning in English, विलक्षण in English, विलक्षण Translate, what is meaning of विलक्षण in English, vilakshan ka Matlab English Me विलक्षण ka Matlab Hindi Me विलक्षण Meaning in हिंदी, paryavachi vilom shabd पर्यावाची विलोम शब्द Shabd ka Arth ka English ka Hindi MTLB vilakshan

विलक्षण Vilakshan Meaning Hindi Vilakshan Matlab Kya Hai English अर्थ परिभाषा पर्यावाची विलोम क्या है Arth Vilom Prayavachi vilakshan

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which - कौन कौन से kaun kaun se, जो , If, कौन | which one - कौनसा kaun sa | which is - जो है jo hai | whichever - इनमें से जो भी inamen se jo bhi कोई भी koi bhi, any, whichever, anybody जो जो, whatever, whatsoever, whichever, whoever | what - क्या kya, जो that, what, जो वस्तु, कैसा kaisa, of what sort, की तरह, के रूप में, जब कि as till what, की भांती, कितना kitna how, जो कुछ kuchh, whatever, whatsoever | how - किस तरह kis tarah, कैसे kaise, how, whence, where, किस प्रकार kis prakar | whose - किसका kiska, जिसका jiska, whereof, जिस किसी का jis kisi ka | who - कौन kaun | whom - किसको kisko, किसे kise, जिसे jise, जिसको jisko where - कहा पे kaha pe, जहां jahan, कहां kahan, जिस जगह jis jagah, किस जगह, किधर kidhar | when - कब kab, जब कि jab ki, किस समय kis samay, उस समय us samay | why - क्यूं कर kyu kar, क्यों kyo, किस लिये kis liye, किस कारण से kis karan se whence | why not - क्यों नहीं kyon nahin | why is that - ऐसा क्यों है aisa kyon hai | whether and whatsoever - चाहे और जो भी हो chahe aur jo bhi ho | meaning - अर्थ, मतलब, प्रयोजन, माने arth, matalab matlab mtlb, prayojan, maane mane, व्याख्या, विवेचन, vyakhya, vivechan, Interpretation, significance, महत्व, महत्ता, अभिप्राय abhipray, signification, तात्पर्य tatpary, अभिप्राय, शब्द shabd, परिभाषा paribhasha, definition, term, explanation | ko kya bolte hai क्या बोलते हैं, ka ulta sabd h उल्टा Reverse प्रतिलोम, pratilom, pratilom, उलटा opposite अपोजिट apojit, synonyms समानार्थक शब्द, पर्यायवाची paryayavachi, Ko kya kahege kahenge को क्या कहेंगे, me kya kehte kahte hai में क्या कहते हैं , hote h

Definition विलक्षण शब्द की परिभाषा इंग्लिश में

Eccentric: A person Of A Specified Kind (usually with many Eccentricities)
Example: A real Character

Eccentric: A person with An unusual Or Odd Personality

Eccentric: Not Having A common Center
Example: Not Concentric

Eccentric: conspicuously Or grossly unconventional Or Unusual
Example: Restaurants Of Bizarre Design--one like A Hat, Another like A Rabbit

Exotic: strikingly strange Or Unusual
Example: An exotic hair Style

Exotic: being Or from Or characteristic Of another place Or part Of The World
Example: alien Customs

Grotesque: Art Characterized By An incongruous mixture Of parts Of humans And Animals Interwoven with Plants

Grotesque: distorted And unnatural In shape Or Size
Example: abnormal And Hideous

Grotesque: ludicrously Odd
Example: Hamlet''s assumed antic Disposition

Quixotic: Not sensible about practical Matters
Example: Unrealistic

Singular: The form Of A word that Is Used To denote A Singleton

Singular: being A single And separate person Or Thing
Example: Can The singular person Be understood apart from His Culture?

Singular: beyond Or Deviating from The usual Or Expected
Example: A curious hybrid Accent

Singular: unusual Or Striking
Example: A remarkable Sight

Singular: grammatical number category referring To A single item Or Unit

Singular: The single One Of Its Kind
Example: A singular Example

Strange: Not At ease Or Comfortable
Example: felt strange among So many important People

Strange: Not known Before
Example: Used many strange Words

Strange: being definitely Out Of The ordinary And Unexpected
Example: slightly Odd Or even A Bit Weird

Unusual: Not commonly Encountered
Example: Two-career Families Are No longer Unusual

Unusual: Not usual Or common Or Ordinary
Example: A scene Of unusual Beauty

Unusual: being definitely Out Of The ordinary And Unexpected
Example: slightly Odd Or even A Bit Weird

Distinguished: Set apart from other such Things

Distinguished: Used Of A Person''s appearance Or Behavior
Example: befitting An eminent Person

Distinguished: (used Of Persons) standing above others In character Or attainment Or Reputation
Example: Our distinguished Professor

Antic: A ludicrous Or grotesque Act done For Fun And Amusement

Antic: Act As Or like A Clown

Antic: ludicrously Odd
Example: Hamlet''s assumed antic Disposition

Fantastical: ludicrously Odd
Example: Hamlet''s assumed antic Disposition

Fantastical: existing In fancy Only
Example: fantastic figures with bulbous Heads The circumference Of A Bushel- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Meaning विलक्षण शब्द का अर्थ इंग्लिश में

Eccentric [Adjective]: Deviating Or departing from The Center, Or from The Line Of A Circle; As, An eccentric Or elliptical Orbit; Pertaining To Deviation from The center Or from True circular Motion.

Eccentric [Adjective]: Not Having The same Center; said Of Circles, Ellipses, Spheres, Etc., Which, though Coinciding, either In whole Or In Part, As To area Or Volume, have Not The same Center; opposed To Concentric.

Eccentric [Adjective]: Pertaining To An Eccentric; As, The eccentric Rod In A steam Engine.

Eccentric [Adjective]: Not coincident As To motive Or End.

Eccentric [Adjective]: Deviating from stated Methods, usual Practice, Or established Forms Or Laws; Deviating from An appointed sphere Or Way; Departing from The usual Course; Irregular; Anomalous; Odd; As, eccentric Conduct.

Eccentric [Noun]: A circle Not Having The same center As another Contained In some measure within The First.

Eccentric [Noun]: One Who, Or that Which, Deviates from Regularity; An anomalous Or irregular person Or Thing.

Eccentric [Noun]: In The Ptolemaic System, The supposed circular orbit Of A planet about The Earth, But with The earth Not In Its Center.

Eccentric [Noun]: A circle Described about The center Of An Elliptical Orbit, with half The major axis For Radius.

Eccentric [Noun]: A Disk Or wheel So Arranged upon A shaft that The Center Of The wheel And that Of The shaft Do Not Coincide. It Is Used For Operating Valves In steam Engines, And For other Purposes. The Motion Derived Is Precisely that Of A crank Having The same Throw.

Exotic [Adjective]: Introduced from A foreign Country; Not Native; Extraneous; Foreign; As, An exotic Plant; An exotic term Or Word.

Exotic [Noun]: Anything Of foreign Origin; something Not Of native Growth, As A Plant, A Word, A Custom.

Grotesque [Noun]: A whimsical Figure, Or Scene, such As Is found In Old Crypts And Grottoes.

Grotesque [Noun]: Artificial grotto Work.

Quixotic [Adjective]: Like Don Quixote; romantic To Extravagance; Absurdly Chivalric; Apt To Be Deluded.

Singular [Adjective]: Separate Or apart from Others; Single; Distinct.

Singular [Adjective]: Engaged In By only One On A Side; Single.

Singular [Adjective]: Existing By Itself; Single; Individual.

Singular [Adjective]: Each; Individual; As, To convey several Parcels Of Land, All And Singular.

Singular [Adjective]: Denoting One person Or Thing; As, The singular Number; opposed To dual And Plural.

Singular [Adjective]: Standing By Itself; Out Of The ordinary Course; Unusual; Uncommon; Strange; As, A singular Phenomenon.

Singular [Adjective]: Distinguished As existing In A very high Degree; Rarely Equaled; Eminent; Extraordinary; Exceptional; As, A Man Of Singular gravity Or Attainments.

Singular [Adjective]: Departing from general usage Or Expectations; Odd; Whimsical; often Implying disapproval Or Consure.

Singular [Adjective]: Being Alone; Belonging To, Or Being, that Of which There Is But One; Unique.

Singular [Noun]: An individual Instance; A Particular.

Singular [Noun]: The singular Number, Or The number Denoting One person Or Thing; A word In The singular Number.

Strange [Adjective]: Belonging To another Country; Foreign.

Strange [Adjective]: Of Or Pertaining To Others; Not One's Own; Not Pertaining To One's Self; Not Domestic.

Strange [Adjective]: Not before Known, Heard, Or Seen; New.

Strange [Adjective]: Not according To The common Way; Novel; Odd; Unusual; Irregular; Extraordinary; Unnatural; Queer.

Strange [Adjective]: Reserved; distant In Deportment.

Strange [Adjective]: Backward; Slow.

Strange [Adjective]: Not Familiar; Unaccustomed; Inexperienced.

Strange [Adverb]: Strangely.

Strange [Verb]: To Alienate; To Estrange.

Strange [Verb]: To Be estranged Or Alienated.

Strange [Verb]: To Wonder; To Be Astonished.

Unusual [Adjective]: Not Usual; Uncommon; Rare; As, An unusual Season; A Person Of unusual grace Or Erudition.

Distinguished [Adjective]: Of Distinguish

Distinguished [Adjective]: Marked; Special.

Distinguished [Adjective]: Separated from others By distinct Difference; Having, Or Indicating, Superiority; eminent Or Known; Illustrious; applied To Persons And Deeds.

Antic [Adjective]: Old; Antique.

Antic [Adjective]:

Antic [Adjective]: Odd; Fantastic; Fanciful; Grotesque; Ludicrous.

Antic [Noun]: A buffoon Or merry Andrew; One that Practices Odd Gesticulations; The Fool Of The Old Play.

Antic [Noun]: An Odd Imagery, Device, Or Tracery; A fantastic Figure.

Antic [Noun]: A grotesque Trick; A piece Of Buffoonery; A Caper.

Antic [Noun]: A grotesque Representation.

Antic [Noun]: An Antimask.

Antic [Verb]: To make appear like A Buffoon.

Antic [Verb]: To perform Antics.

Fantastical [Adjective]: Fanciful; Unreal; Whimsical; Capricious; Fantastic.

Prodigies [Adjective]: Of Prodigy

विलक्षण का सही अर्थ क्या है?

n meaning in Hindi | हिन्दवी

*' विलक्षण शब्द का क्या अर्थ है ?* 1⃣ मंदबुद्धि 2⃣ सामान्य 3⃣ अद्भुत 4⃣ चकित?

कहना जितना सरल है, करना उतना ही कठिन है। इसलिए कर्त्तव्य-वीरों को कठिनाइयों को पार करने के लिए सदैव कटिबद्ध रहना पड़ता है।

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