लाइट को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं - lait ko inglish mein kya kahate hain


लाइट = LIGHT(Noun)

उदाहरण : अवधि को हाइलाइट रकें
Usage : the light was filtered through a soft glass window

लाइटर = LIGHTER(Noun)

उदाहरण : जेम्स लाइटर
Usage : do you have a light?

लाइट इयर = LIGHT YEAR(Noun)

Usage : The distance from Planet% 1 to Planet% 2 is% 3 light years. A ship leaving this turn will arrive on turn% 4

लाइट हाउस = LIGHT HOUSE(Noun)

Usage : The High Court of Madras has an unusual architectural feature, a 175 feet high Tower of the Light House overseeing the city of Chennai.

लाइट डालना = SHINE(Verb)

Usage : I like to watch the stars shining in the night sky.

Tags: Light, Light meaning in English. Light in english. Light in english language. What is meaning of Light in English dictionary? Light ka matalab english me kya hai (Light का अंग्रेजी में मतलब ). Light अंग्रेजी मे मीनिंग. English definition of Light. English meaning of Light. Light का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी में जाने। Light kaun hai? Light kahan hai? Light kya hai? Light kaa arth. Hindi to english dictionary(शब्दकोश).लाइट को अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं.

इस श्रेणी से मिलते जुलते शब्द:

ये शब्द भी देखें: Lights(लाइटें),

synonyms of Light in Hindi Light ka Samanarthak kya hai? Light Samanarthak, Light synonyms in Hindi, Paryay of Light, Light ka Paryay, In “gkexams” you will find the word synonym of the Light And along with the derivation of the word Light is also given here for your enlightenment. Paryay and Samanarthak both reveal the same expressions. What is the synonym of Light in Hindi?

लाइट का पर्यायवाची, synonym of Light in Hindi



light, illumination, beacon, lightness, luminosity, radiance


lamp, light, lights, lightness, lightship, lit


shine, glow, glare, glitter, luster, light


light, luster, prospect, enlightenment, lustre


lamp, light, reading lamp


lightness, flame, lightship, light, lights, lit


light, shine, sheen, lambency


knowledge, knowing, intelligence, science, intellect, light


light, lamp, buginaria, lanterne rouge


light, dolly, floaty, slushy, vacuous, easygoing


light, lightsome, lightish, lit


simple, easy, effortless, straightforward, ingenious, light


vivid, flamboyant, luminous, flashy, brilliant, light


digestible, eupeptic, light, lightsome, lightish


endurable, bearable, enduring, tolerant, light, lightish


wholesome, light, proper, suitable


light, lightsome, lit, lightish

सहज में पचन योग्य

light, lightish, lightsome, lit


burn, sear, light, singe, parboil, fire

प्रकाशित करना

unfold, publish, divulge, irradiate, release, light

प्रकाश डालना

highlight, light


burn, inflame, burn through, flame, become sunburnt, light


glisten, brighten, brighten up, shine, scintillate, light

सहज में

easily, readily, light, lightly, in readiness

बिना विचार के

light, lightly

बिना सोचे विचारे

light, lightly

धीरे से

slowly, lightly, gingerly, quietly, stilly, light

मामूली सी मात्रा में

lightly, light

लाइट का पर्यायवाची शब्द क्या है, Light Paryayvachi Shabd, Light ka Paryayvachi, Light synonyms, लाइट का समानार्थक, Light ka Samanarthak, Light ka Paryayvachi kya hai, Light पर्यायवाची शब्द, Light synonyms in hindi, Light ka Paryayvachi in hindi


Light Paryayvachi Shabd, Light ka Paryayvachi, लाइट पर्यायवाची शब्द, Light synonyms in hindi

लाइट को इंग्लिश में क्या बोलेंगे?

लाइट (Light) Meaning In English Light in English इंग्लिश

फ्लाइट को हिंदी में क्या कहते हैं?

[सं-स्त्री.] - 1. विमान की उड़ान 2.

इंग्लिश में बत्ती कैसे लिखते हैं?

बत्ती {feminine}.
volume_up. lint {noun} बत्ती (also: पट्टी, फाहा बनाने का ऊनी कपडा).
match {noun} (matchstick) बत्ती (also: पलीता).
searchlight {noun} बत्ती (also: बहुत तेज़ बिजली).

लाइव का मतलब क्या होता है?

- 1. जीवित; जीवंत 2. वास्तविक; यथार्थ 3.