पानी के नल की स्पेलिंग क्या है? - paanee ke nal kee speling kya hai?


पानी का नल = WATER TAP(Noun)

उदाहरण : 8 कांटा घर में पानी का नल होना अच्छी बात है।
Usage : It is nice to have a water tap in the home.

पानी का नल = HYDRANT(Noun)

Usage : There is a ton of information on that fire hydrant.

nal English Meaning:
नल Noun, Masculine
 ‣ a reed
 ‣ a tube
 ‣ a spout
नाल Noun, Masculine
 ‣ tube
 ‣ barrel
 ‣ navel-string ;f.
 ‣ a round heavy stone with a hollow in the middle for athletic exercise
 ‣ a horse shoe
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Hindi, or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi, is a standardised and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language. Hindustani is the native language of people living in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan. Hindi is one of the official languages of India. There are 22 languages listed in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution.

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— श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

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On this page the word you have chosen is nal. You are seeing the meaning of word nal provided by EngHindi.com. nal may have multiple meanings in different languages. Here only meaning of nal in Hindi context is meant.

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hindi dictionary July 14, 2021

what does mean of पानी का नल किसे कहते है | पानी का नल का अंग्रेजी में मतलब या अर्थ क्या होता है meaning in english ? know full details of पानी का नल किसे कहते है  मीनिंग बताइए कि

पानी का नल का अंग्रेजी में मतलब या अर्थ क्या होता है

पानी का नल in english ? पानी का नल meaning in english = water tap type of word = Noun what is meaning of water tap in hindi ? the meaning of water tap in hindi is पानी का नल which is a type of Noun . what does mean of पानी का नल in english language ? पानी का नल = water tap , it means the meaning of पानी का नल in english is water tap and it is used as Noun.

पानी का नल किसे कहते है ?

उत्तर : पानी का नल का मतलब water tap होता है अर्थात पानी का नल को अंग्रेजी में water tap कहा जाता है और पानी का नल या water tap एक प्रकार की Noun होती है |

water tap की परिभाषा क्या है ? ans : water tap का हिंदी में मीनिंग पानी का नल होता है और यह वाक्य में Noun (water tap) की भाँती कार्य करता है | पानी का नल के पर्यायवाची , विलोम शब्द water tap समानार्थी शब्द क्या होते है ?

उत्तर : N/A what is water tap or पानी का नल synonyms and antonyms meaning in hindi इनका अर्थ N/A. what do you understand by पानी का नल in english or hindi as it called water tap that is a Noun.

सब्सक्राइब करे youtube चैनल

Meaning पानी का नल शब्द का अर्थ इंग्लिश में

Spout [Verb]: To throw Out forcibly And Abudantly, As Liquids Through An office Or A Pipe; To eject In A Jet; As, An elephant Spouts Water from His Trunk.

Spout [Verb]: To utter Magniloquently; To recite In An oratorical Or pompous Manner.

Spout [Verb]: To Pawn; To Pledge; As, spout A Watch.

Spout [Verb]: To issue with with Violence, Or In A Jet, As A Liquid through A narrow Orifice, Or from A Spout; As, water Spouts from A Hole; blood Spouts from An Artery.

Spout [Verb]: To eject water Or liquid In A Jet.

Spout [Verb]: To utter A Speech, especially In A pompous Manner.

Spout [Verb]: That through which anything Spouts; A Discharging Lip, Pipe, Or Orifice; A Tube, Pipe, Or conductor Of Any Kind through Which A liquid Is Poured, Or By which It Is Conveyed In A stream from One place To Another; As, The spout Of A Teapot; A spout For Conducting Water from The roof Of A Building.

Spout [Verb]: A trough For Conducting Grain, Flour, Etc., into A Receptacle.

Spout [Verb]: A discharge Or Jet Of water Or other Liquid, Esp. When rising In A Column; Also, A Waterspout.

Hydrant [Noun]: A discharge pipe with A valve And spout At which water May Be drawn from The Mains Of Waterworks; A water Plug.

Definition पानी का नल शब्द की परिभाषा इंग्लिश में

Spout: An opening that allows The passage Of Liquids Or Grain

Spout: talk In A Noisy, Excited, Or declamatory Manner

Spout: gush forth In A sudden stream Or Jet
Example: water Gushed Forth

Hydrant: A discharge pipe with A valve And spout At which water May Be drawn from The Mains Of Waterworks

Hydrant: A Faucet For drawing water from A pipe Or Cask

Water Faucet: A Faucet For drawing water from A pipe Or Cask

Water Tap: A Faucet For drawing water from A pipe Or Cask

नल को इंग्लिश में क्या बोले?

A tap is a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas from a pipe or container.

वाटर की स्पेलिंग क्या होती है?

water (Water) meaning in English - WATER मीनिंग - Translation.

स्कूटर की स्पेलिंग क्या होती है?

scooter (Scooter) meaning in English - SCOOTER मीनिंग - Translation.

नल को हिंदी में क्या कहते है?

ऐसा वर्तुलाकार लंबा खंड या रचना जिसका भीतरी भाग खोखला या पोला हो और जिसके अंदर एक सिरे से दूसरे सिरे तक चीजें आती-जाती हों। जैसे घरों में पानी पहुंचाने का (धातु का) नल